Guys and girls out there........
This article was written way before the 7th book came out.....but it is only that i am publishing it, due to some refrains.......hehehe. So, don't be skeptic about this.....
And it contains some of the predictions that I made for the 'upcoming' book......
Make sure you guys read it, and just see how accurate I was............
There are many theories lingering about the famous Harry Potter seventh series, Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows, which certainly being awaited by most of the fans worldwide. What would happen to Harry Potter? Will he be able to thwart the Dark Lord or will he or not? The answers, not yet know. However, it is worth making some predictions and guesses which indeed would lighten up the hearts of those so curious that they would not stop discussing about it. So, here we are with some of it.
Lily Potter is definitely one of the most important characters that we would have to discus a bit before even looking at any other. By a matter of fact, the story would not take place if at the first place Lily did not protect Harry Potter when he was baby, in which will not give the trouble of finding and killing Voldemort because he himself not be alive. From the start of the story, J.K. Rowling had given great deal of emphasis on how Harry so similar to his mother in many ways. Harry is said to be looking exactly as James Potter and to have his mother’s eyes. Besides this, his mother is said to be very funny, very courageous, and very brilliant student by Professor Slughorn, the Potion Master in the Half Blood Prince. He also said that there could not be anyone as he could remember who do not like her as soon as knowing her. This selective preference by a great wizard is indeed something to be given a thought about, because it bears some significance in it. For an instance, Harry has the same characters as his mother except for the fact that he does not possess the touch in Potions like his mother. So, this leads me in making some conclusions about his mother. Firstly, his mother could be someone of great status such as the heir of one of the founders of Hogwarts, most likely Gordic Gryffindor. This however might not be true as we already know that Lily Potter is just a Muggle with gifted abilities. But the theory of being the heir of someone powerful could be swayed to James Potter instead, explaining the whereabouts of the invisibility cloak that he possessed and the uncanning ability for a wizard. Yet, this may not be true. But one thing for sure is that, the truth that we would know about Lily Potter in the future would be an extremely important piece of information.
Who is Aberforth? Many would wonder. The significance of Aberforth in the last book appeared to me, when Dumbledore died in the previous series, AS we all know, Dumbledore had been Harry’s greatest protection since he had been undeniably the only one the Dark Lord ever feared. Harry Potter is just going to turn to 17 in the next book, and this age would just depict to us how young and vulnerable Harry would be compared to Lord Voldemort. Harry, so far had been spoon fed with the information on Lord Voldemort and how things happened, because obviously, we would not expect a seventeen year old to know that much. However, Harry had proven many times of his capability when he many times had been able to defy Voldemort evil attempts. In my opinion, I believe that the author would introduce a new character (as she herself said that her favorites or Order of The Phoenix member is yet to come). Harry had missed out to learn a lot of valuable things about the magical world; in fact he does not know anything much about Dumbledore at all. So, rationally speaking, the one who would be able to enlighten Harry with this knowledge is ought to be very close to Dumbledore and a great wizard himself. So the best choice would be Aberforth, Dumbledore’s only brother. Indirectly, Aberforth may have been much of a help in the previous books if what I had stated above is true. Harry himself conceded on how familiar the bar man in the Hog’s Head had been to him (spectacled, tall and thin frame, with long white beard. These attributes certainly is familiar to Dumbledore). Besides this, Harry had said about how one of the rooms in the bar gives a disconcerting smell of goats. This particular statement may also refer to Aberforth, as he had been closely associated with goats during his schooling days, where he might be working out with bezoars (stone taken out from the stomach of a goat which has the superlative effect on most of the poisons in the world) for the Order secretly. Moreover, during the day in which Professor Sybill Trewalney made the prophecy about Harry to Dumbledore, she had been overheard by someone whom apparently passed the information to the Dark Lord as it concerns about his master’s destiny. However, that guy was not able to capture most of the things that had been said as, he was later got chassed out by the bar man after causing some commotion. This shows that the bar man had known about he importance of the prophecy and had done that in favor of Dumbledore (If he had not interrupted, Voldemort would have heard the whole prophecy).Further more, during the meeting between Voldemort and Dumbledore, Dumbledore had somehow impressed Voldemort by giving out his unexpected knowledge about his intentions of wanting to become a teacher in Hogwarts, which on other hand had been regarded as Dumbledore’s omniscient capabilities by Voldemort. Dumbledore simply replied that he has a very close friendship with the local bar man whom would take the trouble of informing any peculiar movements to Dumbledore. We ourselves know that Dumbledore does make a frequent visit to the Hog’s Head despite having a better one which is nearer, for a drink. These accounts certainly had convinced you about how close Dumbledore had been to this bar man, whom coincidently has the same features as Dumbledore.
Who is this mysterious person? This person had obviously been a highlight in the previous book. He had said that he had been the first one to discover Voldemort’s Horcrux and that he was about to destroy it. He also mentioned that he would not be alive when Voldemort comes to retrieve the Horcrux. He certainly wanted to cause harm to Voldemort by replacing the potion in the goblet with some powerful poison, which unfortunately Dumbledore drank instead, draining out Dumbledore’s power (Dumbledore was right about Voldemort all the time even when he said that Voldemort would not want to kill the person who reaches his Horcrux, but would want to know the wizard who suppose to be great if he or she is capable of overcoming his obstacles. Bad luck for Dumbledore; someone had reached there earlier and replaced the potion). Is this R.A.B bad or good? Obviously, if he is trying to kill Voldemort, he would be in the same boat as Harry. One of the guesses of who is R.A.B is Aberforth. This is because according to Dumbledore, he said that only a very great wizard could get pass through the obstacles prepared by Voldemort, and in my opinion Aberforth surely has at least the slightest trace of the immense power that Dumbledore has, thus making him qualified to be called a great wizard. However, intriguing factors do exist, where if it is Aberforth, then why did not he tell to his brother about the Horcrux. Dumbledore was almost certain that he is the only one who knows about the Horcruxes, but he was clearly wrong. Besides this, the fact that Aberforth would refer Voldemort as the Dark Lord is almost implausible, because it means that he approves Voldemort dominance and superiority which makes him sound more like a Death Eater, which clearly he is not. Another possible guess of who this R.A.B would be is Regulus Black, Sirius Black’s brother.Regulus Black had turned his back at Voldemort just before his fall, where he was on the run. That means that Regulus Black was a Death Eater and would have possibility of calling Voldemort as the Dark Lord, because he is use to call like that. Moreover, the fact that this R.A.B. knows that he is about to die, shows that he had been already been the hunted, so he was just counting his days. The dubious factor in this case is that, one would doubt on the magnitude of power that Regulus Black could possibly possess .I personally do not think that Regulus Black would have such powers as to surmount the obstacles placed by Voldemort. But one thing for sure is that, we would later discover the identity of this R.A.B. .
Severus Snape
The most uncertain character that exists through out the story would definitely be Severus Snape. Many people including Harry and his friends are not convinced with his atypical history nor his present. Harry hates him because he as his father’s most detest enemy, the one who is responsible for his parents death, and the one who eventually killed Dumbledore. Conflictingly, Dumbledore has his 100% trust on Snape from the start. Dumbledore sometimes resorts in discussing confidential matters only with Snape despite knowing that Snape could be employing Occlumency against him, as he is highly accomplished in that. Dumbledore is pretty much convinced that Snape is spying over Voldemort on behalf of him and not the other way round. However, Harry had got the confirmation for his suspicions right after Dumbledore got killed that Snape is bad. But I do still believe that Snape is indeed good and serving in behalf of Dumbledore. There are several reasons to it. Firstly, Dumbledore would not be so stupid to let his weakness of believing the best of people to get over him. Dumbledore had shown reputation over his sharp alertness when he alone did not believe Voldemort when he was at school when everyone else believed. Dumbledore himself in every occasion, had proven beyond doubt that he was always correct even when he judged Voldemort’s potion before his death. In this case, we are looking at the precision in Dumbledore’s judgments in many things, thus clinging to that I believe that Dumbledore is correct about Snape. Secondly, Dumbledore is fully aware Voldemort’s reputation, being the most accomplished Legilimien in the whole world. Despite this fact, he was still willing to take the risk to send Snape which he believed to be in his side, as a spy against Voldemort. This substantially means that Dumbledore is also aware of Snape’s high accomplishment in Occlumency, and he believed that Snape Occlumency is indeed very good to the extent in which he would be capable to turn over the world’s best Legilimien. Thirdly, Snape was obviously giving lame reasons to Belatrix for her questions during their meeting in the Half Blood Prince. Snape did not kill Harry even in the end of previous book saying that Harry is reserved by the Dark Lord, even though he knows that he could be honored beyond anyone else since he had killed Dumbledore as well. This led me to think that there might be another reason of why Snape killed Dumbledore was merely because it was under Dumbledore’s order. Dumbledore may have asked to kill him if he was to encounter that such situation. The hatred that exists at Snape’s face the moment when he spoke out the AVADA KEDAVRA spell was perhaps because of him hating doing that at the first place. Furthermore, when Dumbledore said “Severus, please” may have not mean that he was pleading because he was afraid to die but it maybe because, he was insisting Snape to kill him. As we all know, Dumbledore is not the kind of a person who would be afraid to die as he himself had said that, being dead is something that his kind of wizard has been longing for ( told in the first book). So, after all, Snape might have been the good person all the while.
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